New Employees
Welcome to Plexus! We’re glad you’re here. To help you get up to speed on your benefits, we’ve put important benefit information in one place so it’s there when you need it.

Understand your options and how our Plexus medical plans work.
Getting Started
Here are 3 things you need to do to get started:
1. Check Eligibility Status
Full-time employees
Part-time employees
2. Learn About Your Health Plan Options
Choosing the right plans for you or your family is important, but it can be confusing. In addition to the information on this website, go ask ALEX. ALEX is our interactive educational website where you can compare medical plans, learn about health savings accounts, customize your benefit choices and more.
Before you enroll in Workday, give ALEX a try and see which plans work best for you.
3. Enroll in Your Benefits
New employees should enroll in their benefits as soon as possible, but no later than 31 days from the event date. Otherwise benefits will be waived. For hourly and salaried employees, benefit coverage begins on the date of hire.